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Our self funded healthcare plans offer you quadruple protection.

Our self funded healthcare plans offer you quadruple protection.

Just when you thought that the healthcare industry was going to sink your quarterly profits into the Red Sea, MBA is offering innovative benefit planning and management that combines the spark of human relationships with insider medical knowledge and powerful legal protection. Read on to learn more about: reducing your monthly premiums by as much as 10%, cutting your pay out expenses by half for both medical providers  and  facilities, keeping control of your insurance rules, administration and  benefits options for your entire staff, and fortifying your safety net with exclusive perks such as; PayorAdvantage, OpenSolutions, and fiduciary protection.



MBA gives you unlimited access to healthcare providers. That means there are no network requirements; gone are the non-PPO penalties.  Go ahead and see the doctor or hospital of your choice!

Pro-Active Plan Management

We work with you to prevent costly hospital stays. At no additional cost, nurse managers serve clients throughout the continuum of care including: preventative consulting, episode management, health maintenance consulting and counseling. MBA’s smart plan design is based on your group’s utilization.

Decreased Premiums

While the majority of companies are facing rising costs, on average, our clients experienced a 10% decrease in premiums last year! All of our new plans include CostPlusTM, PayorAdvantageTM, OpenSolutionsTM, and fiduciary protection.

Customized Plans

We will customize an  intelligent healthcare plan for your business.
We strategeically meet regulations, while keeping specific coverage needs of your employees a top priority.

47-56% Savings

Average payments for MBA clients are $0.4361 on the dollar for facilities, and $0.5268 for non-facility. That means you’ll pay a lot less for hospital stays, doctor visits, and medications.

Flexibible Administration

We give you control over insurance coverage rules for all of your employees, including standards for new hires, and former employees.

To learn more about this and other programs like it, please call our office at 1-800-877-3727 to schedule a free, no obligation consultation.

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