Forecasting Govt. & Politics + Business Tips
Personal candid comments from SPBA Active Past President Fred Hunt
Americans are starting the process of envisioning how each candidate might act as President on benefits & health issues. Therefore, this week’s e-mail is a very candid specific insider look into how the past 7 Presidents have actually functioned. Most of the time, what really happened & why is not what was expected or subsequently hyped by history. There are some surprises!
As you’ve noticed, there is plenty of hype & hysteria prediction about various Presidential candidates and what/how the next President would do to health coverage & employee benefits. SPBA’s goal is keeping you informed with insider reality perspective so you’re not blinded by the hysteria. Looking back will give you clearer forward vision.
We hope it assists you and all the staff in your firm to better judge the current election hoopla. I also hope you will see that your association (and many of you reading this now) have had an ongoing successful role in making history. We also provide this for you to adapt or use with your clients, brokers, and/or community so that they can better understand how health & benefits policy got where it is today (and so they’ll understand that your firm, as part of SPBA, is an influential national player in shaping history. Sincere thanks for your long participation & support! Last but not least, right now is ERISA’s 41st birthday + SPBA’s upcoming 40th birthday (on Oct. 9th). Fred